About the Project
“ILEG – utilization, services, and effects of the community emergency paramedic” aims to establish community emergency paramedics to help relieve the burden on rescue services and emergency rooms in the region of Oldenburg in Lower Saxony, Germany.
In recent years, expenditure on emergency services has increased enormously: In 2005, a total of 2.6 million euros was spent on rescue services while in 2015 this amount was already 4.6 million euros. However, this rise is not due to an increase in life-threatening emergencies, but due to the fact that more patients are using rescue services or the emergency rooms, although they could be cared for as outpatients at their homes.
Community emergency paramedics assess patients' situations, treat them on site if necessary, and decide on further treatment if applicable. They are deployed when a life-threatening injury or illness could be ruled out by the control center, though no decision on further treatment needs can be taken without personal patient contact.
The aim of the research project is to scientifically accompany ILEG. Questions about the utilisation of emergency medical services, services provided and possible effects on the quality of care and economic efficiency will be investigated. Therefore, various data sources are being examined and questionnaires developed. This will provide the data basis to steer the project and expand it to other districts
In recent years, expenditure on emergency services has increased enormously: In 2005, a total of 2.6 million euros was spent on rescue services while in 2015 this amount was already 4.6 million euros. However, this rise is not due to an increase in life-threatening emergencies, but due to the fact that more patients are using rescue services or the emergency rooms, although they could be cared for as outpatients at their homes.
Community emergency paramedics assess patients' situations, treat them on site if necessary, and decide on further treatment if applicable. They are deployed when a life-threatening injury or illness could be ruled out by the control center, though no decision on further treatment needs can be taken without personal patient contact.
The aim of the research project is to scientifically accompany ILEG. Questions about the utilisation of emergency medical services, services provided and possible effects on the quality of care and economic efficiency will be investigated. Therefore, various data sources are being examined and questionnaires developed. This will provide the data basis to steer the project and expand it to other districts
2020 - 2022
Involved Research line(s)
Creating Value-Based Health Care
Involved Partners
- Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
- Maastricht University
- Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
- Uniklinik RWTH Aache
Involved Staff
- Thomas Krafft
- Eva Pilot
- Maresa Neuerer
The ILEG project is funded by the Innovation Committee of the German Federal Joint Committee (G-BA).