Health Geography and System Thinking Group Members |
Thomas KrafftMaastricht University | UM · Care and Public Health Research Institute
Thomas Krafft’s research is focussing on comparative health systems research, global health and health geography with a regional focus on Europe and Asia (especially India and China). Recently, he has been involved in collaborative research projects on emergency medical care research, syndromic surveillance and health monitoring. He regularly lectures at the Chinese Academey of Sciences, at universities in India and at the Centre for Management and Quality in Health Care, Donau-University, Krems/Austria.
Thomas Krafft is co-chair of the European Academic Global Health Alliance (EAGHA), chair of Global Health Europe and co-chair of the Commission on Environment and Health of the International Geographic Union (CHE-IGU). He is editor in chief of the newly established journal "Earth Perspectives" (Springer). |
Eva PilotMaastricht University | UM · Health Ethics and Society, CAPHRI Care And Public Health Research Institute
I am a passionate, curious researcher and docent in global health. My specific interests are health geography, urban health, health equity, public health surveillance, health information ecosystems, environment and health, and maternal health. I focus on the link between place, policies, and health equity from a social, spatial, and political perspective. I am an active member of the International Geographical Union Commission on Health and the Environment ( and co-chair the Network on Health Geography Research ( My work is nested in the health geography and system thinking group, embedded in the Health Law and Governance Group at Maastricht University.
Panjun Gao
Maastricht University | UM · Department of Health, Ethics and Society Master of Science
Panjun Gao is a PhD candidate at the Department Health, Ethics & Society, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Her educational background is Occupational and Environmental Health. Currently her main studies include the effects of land use and land cover change on vector-borne infectious disease, and the effects of air pollution on mortalities.
Her research interests cover: health geography; environmental health; land use and land cover change; climate change; vector-borne diseases.
Her research interests cover: health geography; environmental health; land use and land cover change; climate change; vector-borne diseases.
Yan Wu
Tongji University · Department of Computer Science and Technology PhD
Yan Wu is a PhD candidate at the Department of Health, Ethics & Society. Her educational background is Public Management. Her research interests are Climate Change and Public Policy, Low Carbon Economy and Sustainable Development, Environmental Management. She will focus on the Impact of Public Awareness on Low-carbon city Transformation for the PhD program.
Yidan Xu
Xiamen University | XMU · College of Environment and Ecology Master of Science
Yidan Xu is a PhD candidate at the Department Health, Ethics & Society, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Her educational background is Economy and Environmental Management. Currently her main study field is sustainable coastal development.
Her research interests cover: Environmental Policy & Governance; Integrated Coastal Management; Society and Environment; Livelihoods, Poverty & Sustainability.
Her research interests cover: Environmental Policy & Governance; Integrated Coastal Management; Society and Environment; Livelihoods, Poverty & Sustainability.
Xuechao Qin
Julia DoetschMaastricht University · School for Public Health and Primary Care (CAPHRI) I The Epidemiology Research Unit (EPIUnit)
Julia Nadine Doetsch currently works at the Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (ISPUP) within the Epidemiology Research Unit (EPIUnit), and is employed as a research assistant at the RECAP preterm project. She is doing her PhD in Public Health externally at Maastricht University (UM), within the School for Public Health and Primary Care (CAPHRI), supervised by the aforementioned institutions (UM and ISPUP) jointly.
Her general research interests include socio-economic inequalities, data privacy, record linkage and participation in longitudinal cohorts. Her specific PhD research interests are socio-economic inequalities in healthcare access and provision for vulnerable population groups in Europe focussing on the impact of the economic crisis and the Economic Adjustment programme. |
Simone BöbelMaastricht University | UM · Health Ethics and Society, CAPHRI Care And Public Health Research Institute
Simone Böbel is a PhD student who compares emergency medical services (EMS) systems of the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. With her background in Public Health, she is passionate about a holistic approach of health including physical, mental and social health and how this is being influenced by the different interplaying elements of health care systems. Aside from her PhD, Simone is part of the health geography and systems thinking group where she is involved in several research projects concerning innovations in EMS systems such as telemedicine, structured and standardized emergency call protocols as well as community paramedics.
Maresa NeuererMaastricht University | UM · Health Ethics and Society, CAPHRI Care And Public Health Research Institute
Maresa Neuerer is a master student in Global Health at Maastricht University and received her bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology with a minor in Geography from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. She is interested in multidisciplinary approaches to environment and health.
Celia Mir AlvarezMaastricht University | UM Master of Science
Celia is from Madrid, Spain and holds a BSc in Biomedical Engineering (Technical University of Madrid) and an MSc in Global Health (Maastricht University). Under the supervision of Eva Pilot, she conducted here Master Thesis on the topic of urban air pollution and health in West African cities, resulting in a publication. She continues to work in this field, as well as on other Global Health research relating to Emergency Medical Services and Public Health Surveillance.